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Last meeting on Agri-Infanzia, this time about "Risk, Health and safety in the educational services"

Saturday June the 24th, Gagliole, start time 10am

Fourth and last meeting about the development of the Agrinido model.

Saturday June the 24th in Gagliole at the “Agrinido Fornace degli gnomi”, starting from…

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Seminary “Good and balanced diet for the 1/6 child”

New meeting about Agri-Infanzia in Porto San Giorgio (FM), Saturday June the 10th

New dates announced for our meetings about the development of the Agrinido model.

Saturday June the 10th in Porto San Giorgio - FM - at…

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Seminary in Ostra: economical sustainability of Agrinido farms for 1-6 year-old children

Saturday May the 20th, from 10am, at the Agrinido Orto dei Pulcini in Ostra (AN)

New dates announced for our meetings about the development of the Agrinido model.

Saturday May the 20th in Ostra - AN - at the “Agrinido Orto dei Pulcini”,…

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New Montessori course for primary school (6-11) in San Giovanni in Marignano (RN)

A new Montessori course for primary school (6-11) will be open for enrollments in San Giovanni in Marignano (RN)

San Giovanni in Marignano: course 6-11, 2017-2018

The ONM organizes, with the cooperation of Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori, a new Montessori course in San Giovanni in Marignano for…

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Meeting in San Ginesio, the educational community 0-6

What's cooking for us on May the 13th?

In a territory afflicted by the disaster of the earthquake people want to start again. And what a better way to do it than creating…

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Office closure April/June 2017

The Liberation is approaching us fast and we inform you that the FCM's offices, as well as Maria Montessori's birth house, will be closed on…

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New Montessori course for Children's house (3-6) in Osimo (AN)

New Montessori course for Children's house (3-6) in Osimo (AN)

Osimo: course 3-6, 2017-2018

The ONM organizes, with the cooperation of Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori, a new Montessori course in Osimo for children's house teachers (500 hrs) authorised…

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Montessori appointments on February the 24th and 25th

The Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori, jointed with the national Irase, has the pleasure to introduce its new convention "A school for life: a job for life, from the nursery to the school/job alternation", which will take place in Chiaravalle al the local "Valle" theatre on Friday and Saturday February the 24th and 25th.

The program of FCM's new convention "A school for life: a job for life, from the nursery to the school/job alternation", which will take place in…

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The FCM on an US publication

Fact-checking on Montessori's life for latest Judy Dempsey's book

During the last months the Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori worked with the American writer and Montessori school principal Judy Dempsey by doing a careful fact-checking on the most important events of Maria Montessori's…

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