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Convention Don Milani and Maria Montessori

Ancona, November the 20th 2017, 4 pm

New Montessori convention named “Don Lorenzo Milani and Maria Montessori, for a child-friendly society” set for November the 20th at 4pm.


This time we…

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Innovation in social agriculture in the Marche Region

FCM convention in Ancona, 24th October, 2.30pm

On Tuesday October the 24th, from 2.30pm, the setting up for active longevity and the Agrinidos will host, at the Agricultural department of the…

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The FCM in History with the Declaration of Chiaravalle

Signed a deal to continue with the experience of Montessori-longevity

On the date 11/10/2017 the “Declaration of Chiaravalle” was signed, an act that commits the Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori, Marche Region, Inrca and Montessori international centre…

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Info & enrollment form for the convention in Castelfidardo, 14th October

"Signs and sounds of a conscious and protagonist child”

On Saturday the 14th of October, starting from 9am inside Astra Theatre of Castelfidardo, it will take place the 3rd annual national conference on Montessori…

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Enrollment to the convention "Active longevity in a rural environment"

In this link you'll find the link to enroll at the 22nd of September's convention

Active longevity in a rural environment – Elderly people as the focus of a lifetime project

Sharing experiences on Montessori prospects for elderly people with…

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Warning: office closure

We'd like to remind you that the FCM's office as well as Montessori's birth house will be closed from August 14th to the 19th included.

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Australia calls, FCM answers

Chiaravalle is getting ready for Montessori's 150th birthday

On the last 20th of July we had the pleasure to have in our offices and at the Maria Montessori’s  birth house in Chiaravalle (AN),…

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Summer opening schedule (July and August 2017)

Here the FCM's opening scehdule during the Summer of 2017

Public service announcement:

The Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori offices and Maria Montessori's birth house will respect the following opening schedule during the months of July and August…

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