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Admission rankings for primary school course in San Benedetto del Tronto

Admission ranking list inside

After last Month's exams here's the admission rankings to the primary school free training program. The course will be held in San Benedetto del Tronto…

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Merry xmas and opening days

Xmas opening days

Wishing you the best for this Christmas holiday we’d like to remind you that FCM office as well as Dr. Montessori birth house will be…

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Montessori free courses' exam postponed

Due to inclement weather conditions the exam will be on Dec. the 19th

Si informano tutte le parti interessate che causa impreviste condizioni meteo avverse la prova scritta di accesso ai corsi di differenziazione didattica Montessori gratuiti per…

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Admission rankings for free Montessori training in San Benedetto and Civitanova

Admission list for part 2 of the free Montessori training

With this link you can download the admission rankings to the two Montessori training courses for public school teachers of kindergarden and primary school (D.M. n.62 e n.…

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Montessori Zoology postponed, Saturday Dec. 15 office closed

It will take place on January 19

Some infos from the FCM:

-          The seminary Montessori Zoology will be post-poned to Saturday January the 19th. The event will follow unfold as previously…

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Two more free Montessori training courses announced

The training will be held in Civitanova Marche and San Benedetto

The Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori, in partnership with Eurocentro srl, UniMC and ONM, happily presents to you two new free Montessori training courses created within the project “Marche Montessori, un’aula…

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Admission rankings for kindergarden Montessori training

After last week's exams here is the admission rankings to the kindergarden free training program.

Withdrawal advices must be given to the FCM office by…

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Admission rankings for primary school Montessori training

After last week's exams here is the admission rankings to the primary school free training program.


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Info prova orale

La prova orale di ammissione si svolgerà in due date separate

In relazione alle selezioni del corso P.O.R. Marche – FSE 2014-2020, Asse III P.d.I. 10.4 R.A. 10.6. – DGR n. 991/2017 Progetti di formazione a favore…

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