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Call reopening for the Montessori seminars

enrollment by February the 25th

In data 27 gennaio 2020 è stato pubblicato il V° bando di partecipazione a n. 2 Seminari di aggiornamento del metodo Montessori di 20 ore…

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Admission rankings to the MOntessori primary school training in Jesi (AN)

Enrollment by the 19th of February

Here it is the official admission rankings list to the Montessori course for primary school teachers to be held in Jesi (AN) from March the…

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two new montessori seminars

open to everyone

Aperto il nuovo bando per  n. 2 seminari di aggiornamento del metodo Montessori (uno per la provincia di Pesaro/Urbino e uno per la Provincia di Macerata) per docenti…

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International convention "Touching the beauty"

Auditorium Orfeo Tamburi at the Mole Vanvitelliana of Ancona (Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28)

International convention "Touching the beauty"

Auditorium Orfeo Tamburi at the Mole Vanvitelliana of Ancona (Banchina Giovanni da Chio 28)


Il convegno internazionale è realizzato…

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New Montessori training course for primary school

in Jesi (AN) from March 2020

L’Opera Nazionale Montessori, Ente morale con personalità giuridica, accreditato per la Formazione Montessori dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, titolare di Certificazione di Qualità…

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Do not miss this during "Touching the beauty"

Events for fans, families and educators
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House Montessori closed for restoration

It will be closed to the public from January to June 2020

The Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori, in partnership with the Municipality of Chiaravalle, informs you that, from January  to June 2020 (included) the birth house of Maria…

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FCM and Montessori birth house Christmas schedule

Wishing you the best for this Christmas holiday we’d like to remind you that FCM office as well as Dr. Montessori birth house will be closed…

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Results Montessori seminars

At this link the list of the people admitted to the Montessori seminars of Ancona, Porto San Giorgio and San Benedetto del Tronto.

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