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"Maria Montessori addresses the parents" book presentation

wednesday 20 march 2019

Saturday March the 30th, 5pm at the Croce Gialla auditorium, Via Fratelli Cervi 1 Chiaravalle, there will be a presentation of the book "Maria Montessori addresses the parents". Rosa Giudetti, Paola Veneziani and the Montessori association of Brescia will join the debate.

"Maria Montessori addresses the parents" is a volume that - through 11 never published conferences of "La Dottoressa" - shows us how, after more than a Century since the first Children's house opened, the childhood that Maria Montessori imagined still doesn't exist. Her revolution is copernican: the children are seen not as needy but as competent regarding thinking and doing stuff. Through this book Maria guides the parents within and beyond the family.

Free antrance with enrollment through the site: https://occorreunvillaggio.eventbrite.it


