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Convention Don Milani and Maria Montessori

thursday 09 november 2017

New Montessori convention named “Don Lorenzo Milani and Maria Montessori, for a child-friendly society” set for November the 20th at 4pm.


This time we will be inside the prestigious Muse Theatre in Ancona with the following schedule:


Institutional greetings

Antonio Mastrovincenzo and Andrea Nobili;


Giancarlo Galeazzi

Don Lorenzo Milani and Maria Montessori: two thinkers between society and childhood


First half


Federico Ruozzi

Don Milani between Church and society: the critical education


Luca Violini

Reading of Don Milani’s work


Pacifico Cristofanelli

Actuality of Don Milani


Guido Carletti

Don Milani: loving the school


Second half


Rita Scocchera

Maria Montessori between society and nature: the cosmical education


Lucia Ferrati

Reading of Montessori’s work


Alfio Albani

Montessori’s contribution to Italian school


Anna Maria Ferrati Scocchera

Beyond the method


Loretta Bravi



