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Public selection - Call for an expert in EU projects (based on CV)

friday 14 october 2016

The Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori issues a public call in order to find competitive professionals. The applicants should be able to create new partnerships with both public and private entities all over the EU aiming to increase the income on the Marche Region territory.

The applicants, who will contribute by submitting projects and managing EU fundings, should be able to find new funding opportunities, establish business contacts, participate in the proceedings with partners, local, national and European entities.

In particular the applicants should be able to find, understand and select EU calls and inherent documentation by:


- Analyzing the admission requirements of the project;

- Studing the possibility and financiability of projects;

- Creating a complete and efficient project;

- Defining the budget and compiling the financial reporting;

- Managing the relationships between EU Commission and the Authorities of management and control of partnership.


The call is aimed towards those professionals with certified CV and a solid experience in submitting and realizing EU projects.

The applicants should submit their CVs (compiled with signature and allowance of using their personal data, according to the D.lgs. 196 of 30th of June 2003) by November the 10th 2016 via registered mail with return receipt, hand delivery or certified e-mail (fondazionemontessori@pec.it).

The Fondazione Chiaravalle Montessori, with an appropriate commission, will evaluate the experience of the applicants based on said CVs.

Fondazione Chiaravalle-Montessori


Alfio Albani
